A Quick Guide to CARES Funding for Schools
If you're wondering how the CARES Act will apply to your school, read our blog for how you can use it to fund technology initiatives at your school.
A Quick Guide to CARES Funding for Schools
If you're wondering how the CARES Act will apply to your school, read our blog for how you can use it to fund technology initiatives at your school.
CCPA and Your IT Plan for Data Security
The California Consumer Privacy Act has put new data security regulations on businesses that fall under its regulation. Do you know how to start?
How To Understand What Makes Up a "Good" Network
Read our blog to find out the best way to approach a solid networking foundation for your business or school.
Insider Tips for Buying Your Next Mac
Ever wonder how to pick a Mac that works for you? Our tech gives you some insider tips for how to find the Mac that is right for you.
6 Ways To Protect Your Macs From Ransomware
The truth is out. Macs are no longer immune to malware. But don't worry! We have a few steps you can take to lower your chances of contracting ransomware.
Tips for Catching a Phishing Scam Before it Catches You
Read the blog to get tips for spotting phishing attempts and what to do if you catch one.
Upgrade Your Mac or Wait for the Apple Silicon Releases?
You may have heard at WWDC that Macs are getting a whole new processor. However, Apple has already made some smaller changes to its Mac line up.
What is Device Management and How Can it Help Your Business?
Apple MDM gives you the ability to remotely manage and maintain your Mac and iOS fleets. Learn more about why this is helpful to your organization.
Zoom: How to Deal with the Vulnerabilities
Zoom vulnerabilities have many businesses wondering what to do. Read some suggestions on ways to handle the issue.
How To Troubleshoot Your Home Network
Is your home network giving you work from home headaches? Read our blog for some helpful troubleshooting tips.